“It has been well over a year since Russia launched an unprovoked and unlawful attack on the sovereign nation of Ukraine. Since then, Ukraine has shown that not only can it defend itself against an unstable aggressor, but can survive, uphold democratic principles, and carry on as best as it can under trying circumstances.
“Ukraine is fighting to maintain its independence. On this Ukraine Independence Day, I am thinking of those who are on the ground fighting to maintain their democratic freedoms, the millions of Ukrainians, and their families whose lives have been turned upside down, and those who have lost their lives due to the war.
“Yukoners have rallied to help in the Yukon spirit that we know. There has been a local support group that has brought Ukrainian Yukoners together. In turn, that group has undertaken extraordinary efforts to ship supplies from the Yukon to the ground in Ukraine. Yukoners have also welcomed Ukrainians who have been displaced by the unnecessary invasion and helped them to settle into a new life and find employment.
“I wish to thank those Yukoners who have done their part to help Ukraine. I hope that the fighting will end soon with a just resolution so that Ukraine and its people can get back to enjoying the peaceful freedoms of a democratic society.
“Slava Ukraini”