Yukon Housing Minister’s Own Portfolio Contributes to Housing Shortage

WHITEHORSE – This week it was revealed by CKRW that the Department of Health and Social Services has been spending taxpayers’ money to hold a prime rental property off the market for at least 10 months. This comes at a time when the housing shortage in Whitehorse has grown significantly.

Not only have housing and rental prices increased under the watch of the Liberals, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for Yukoners to find rental spaces.

Further, under the Liberal government, the waitlist for social and senior housing has skyrocketed. The number of those on this waitlist was 105 in 2016 under the previous government, but that number had increased to 270 as of April of this year under the Liberals. That represents a 157% increase in the size of the waitlist under the Liberals’ watch.

“The Liberals often tout their so-called one-government approach but here you have a department that reports to the Housing Minister that has intentionally taken a prime piece of housing off the rental market for almost an entire year,” said Geraldine Van Bibber, Official Opposition critic for Housing. “The Liberals need to show some leadership and stop contributing to the housing crisis in the territory.”


Madison Pearson
(867) 393-7026