Liberals Mismanaged Housing First Project Now $1.4 Million Over Budget

WHITEHORSE - On November 22, 2017 the Minister of Housing announced a Housing First project with no consultation with local residents.

When the Minister was asked to outline the project budget at the respective press conference she claimed they hadn’t determined a budget yet. It was later confirmed by media that the budget for the project was actually was stated in the tender documents. According to those documents, the budget was $2.7 million.

According to the government contract registry, the construction costs now total at $4.1 million.

That means the project is 52% over budget.

The total cost of the project further increases to approximately $4.3 million once design costs are included.

The Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation was asked to explain these cost overruns in Question Period on November 5, 2019 and she did not answer.

This project is the latest in a long list of projects that the Liberals have mismanaged leading to them going over budget.

This follows the tabling of the 2018-2019 Public Accounts which showed that the Liberal government increased government spending by $123 million, or 10%, compared to the previous year.


Madison Pearson
(867) 393-7026